Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Post 2 - The Supreme Court

What did you learn about the Supreme Court that you didn't already know? 
The Supreme Court video was full of useful information, as well as some especially interesting and new facts. The most interesting thing that I learned from the video is how the Supreme Court values each certiorari, or case request, that they receive equally. I assumed that some form of prioritization occurred when it came to whether or not the Supreme Court took a case, and I was proven wrong in the best possible way when the justices in the video stated that each of the thousands of cases they review is treated with equal respect. 

What is the most important take-away point about the Supreme Court?
The most important take-away point about the Supreme Court, in my opinion, is the power of Judicial Review, the court's unique ability to deem the actions of the other branches unconstitutional. No other court in the world holds this much power, nor could any other court wield it so effectively. Judicial Review, in my eyes, is the key piece in the checks and balances the United States' government has.

What was the most surprising thing you learned?
I knew going into the Supreme Court video that justices are able to serve for as long as they want to or are capable of serving. The statistic that most justices serve an average of sixteen years truly caught me off guard. I was further surprised when that statement was closely followed by the fact that many justices can serve for double or more that time. Considering how strictly we in the United States abide to terms for our highest leadership positions, the Supreme Court's lack of a concrete term for its justices surprises me.

How did the video change the way you thought of the Supreme Court?
The video made me respect the Supreme Court quite a bit more. In addition to concisely and clearly describing the Supreme Court's power and purpose, the video did an excellent job humanizing the justices. Personal connection is very important to me, and the video showing the justices both inside and outside of the courtroom put real people behind what I so often see as a group of powerful figures in big robes.

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